Vae Victis – Conquer, Ravish, Breed [v0.9.6] » FAP NATION


Stories and retcon:

  • All the “Act 2”s are programmed to appear 20-50 turns after their “trigger”, i.e. usually the completion of a quest. Since some of the quests took place a long time ago, for returning players using saved files you should simply see the star icon of a fiefdom indicating a story. Note that if you chose to skip sex with a girl originally (“Gentleman”), you will not have the option to play her Act 2, under the assumption you don’t find her attractive.
  • I feel Karder’s father (the late Khan) needs a bigger role in the story and to that extent I have introduced some changes in some scenes, including one you might have played already. If you wish to replay the edited scenes, you can find a Retcon button at your Citadel. Note that the third option is for players who played the Early Access builds. If you didn’t play the Early Access, you’ll see the correct scene during the course of the game.

Game enhancements:

  • Improved auto Auto Save. The game is saved automatically every 10 turns.
  • Sex sounds during sex scenes, for all the animations added in version 0.9.
  • No more death: losing in an army combat no longer ends the game, Karder simply retreats with his remaining army.
  • Random pregnancy is off by default, and can be turned on at game settings. In other words: by default, you will always impregnate the Wenches in your dungeon or palace.
  • Fame counter now moved to the top of the map screen. High Fame provides better yields at the price of lower Obedience, while extreme negative fame offers very obedient fiefdoms but with lower productivity.


  • Animations for the R/P/S combat: no more guessing how your opponent will attack, their animation will allow you to determine it on your own.
  • Fame: play as a benign ruler and watch your Fame grow. When it reaches high thresholds, enjoy Morale and productivity bonus. Or play as a ruthless leader and when your infamy is low enough, your subjects will be obedient like never before!
  • When you perform a Khaganate activity like Parley, Attack or Infiltrate you can’t perform another for the same fiefdom until the next turn.
  • Original musical score for the fiefdom of Daoyuen.
  • An exciting adventure in Daoyuen, land of the mighty orcs.
  • A beloved Wench joins Karder’s quest! In order to take Nahir to this quest with you, she needs to have given birth at least once and not currently pregnant .
  • In a detailed interlude, the meta story gets hotter!

1. Can now use Shadow Institute in VN Mode
2. Final version of music tracks
3. Android version


-A new quest: infiltrate the fiefdom of Hawatia in order to sway a crucial parliament vote which will leave the fiefdom vulnerable to attack. Solve a murder mystery, fuck, bribe, fuck some more, blackmail and fight your way to political dominance.

-A hot new wench: queen Sumia is voluptuous and ebony skinned, arrogant and proud. Persuade her to join your cause or use her body for your dark pleasures.

-Per Subscribers vote: revisit the oasis of Ziruan and offer Fahda the moneylender an offer she can’t refuse (only if you didn’t rape her or Alam or murdered Domia.)

-New! a Chicken button in 1:1 combat to instantly win (Subdue) the melee.

-New! all conquered fiefdoms have the same color, easier to identify which fiefdoms are under your control and which are not yet.


What’s new in 0.3?

As for content, I’ll start by saying that 0.3 is as big as the two previous releases combined. Second: I want to stress that *your old saves will not work*. Vae Victis is a game, not a VN, and as such the game’s infrastructure changes as it evolves. If you wish, you can use Skip ‘n Win to quickly jump over the miniquests you have completed.

– New! Gallery for replaying scenes you already played. Courtesy of Niv-Mizzet the Firemind. Thanks man!
– New! UI overhaul by the very talented Kia. There’s a lot to love about the new UI but my favorite is the Send Troops slider.
– New! Impregnation flow. When you fuck a (former)ruler wench in your palace or your dungeon there’s a chance she’ll get pregnant. If she does, you will be notified and for for a few turns you’ll be able to have pregnant sex with her. Once she gives birth she will not be available for a few turns as she rests and then she’ll become available again. Impregnation is currently reserved for wenches only.
– New! In 0.2 I made the mistake of hinting that Alam and Domia from the oasis accompany you to your palace, so in 0.3 I owned my mistake: both are available in the palace if you take them with you. I’ll be more careful next time 


– The 1:1 RPS combat was streamlined and a very short tutorial is now available after you escape jail. Defensive attacks are considered to be Subdue attacks, so when meeting a new Subdable opponent you can (and should) play a few rounds in Defense mode without ruining the Subdue effort. Furthermore, Subdue attacks cause much more (Subdue) damage but leave you more vulnerable to damage so learn that wench’s attack patterns before subduing her!
– All wenches now have rigid attack patterns instead of an affinity to choose one attack.
– Obedience and Morale were improved. Details below: TL;DR: if you garrison more than 30 troops your Obedience in that fiefdom will go up.
– Originally Fort and Gold Mine multiplied the fiefdom’s Troops and Gold yield but were useless if the Troops/Gold stat of a fiefdom was 0. They now yield a small amount even if the Troops/Gold stat of a fiefdom is 0.
– Cool surprise scene after you conquer all available fiefdoms (Oryeonguk, Marbia and Tinpigia).
– On the left menu you’ll find a tab called Info. There’s a link to the walkthrough there.

Remember that old saves will not work, use Skip ‘n Win to quickly finish miniquests you have played before.

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