Version 0.4.9
-The new content in this update is focused around introducing a new character on Sarah’s warrior-storyline. It’s somewhat of a side-story, so opting into the story content is important to get the full experience, otherwise the content cuts out quite quick.
-For those that opt into the new content, there are around 30 new art pieces and about 20k new words of content available. I won’t spoiler too much more to keep the actual content fresh.
How do you get to the new content?
-This new content picks up after the last update on the Warrior-storyline. If you continue from there, Sarah and her army will arrive in a small town and the Mayor of the town will ask for your help. Accept helping them and the new content will kick-off.
Version 0.3.9
Version 0.2.9
– Expansion on the Marion-storyline
– Updating old and missing artwork
– Added a hide UI function
Major branches that you can explore in this new update are:
1) Hassar
2) Jaeid
3) Old soldier
4) Nobody
Version 0.90 release
– Expansion on the Mage-storyline
– Updating a few pieces of old previously missing artwork
Version 0.80 release
– Expansion on the Warrior-storyline
– Updating a few pieces of old previously missing artwork
Version 0.70 release
-Expansion of the sailor-storyline
-Also improving on the game in general, fixing code, new main art, and introducing music.
Version 0.60 release
-Expansion of the warrior-storyline
Version 0.50 release
-Expansion of the mage-storyline
Version 0.40 release
-Expansion of the Rahayal-storyline
Version 0.30 Release
– Expansion of the princess-path narrative (Varga and other)
Version 0.20 release
– Expansion of the warrior-path narrative
Version 0.15 release
– Expansion of the mage-path narrative
Version 0.1 release