Tired of crappy, low effort hentai games? Then enter the Subverse – an old school PC gaming experience developed from the ground up for the discerning adult by a team of filthy apex perverts.
Discover the Prodigium Galaxy – filled to the brim with original lore and thick, meaty content. Explore dozens of star systems and hundreds of planets to find all sorts of missions, anomalies and other interesting stuff like sexy bounty hunter squidgirls that relentlessly stalk you and your equally sexy crew of waifus.
Throw down in either SHMUP-style space missions dripping with retro nostalgia or take the thinking man’s approach and duke it out on the ground with dynamic turn-based combat. Mastering both modes will lead to glorious booty so you can upgrade your ship and troops.
The Mary Celeste not only holds the record for fastest sub-light delivery of weed in the galaxy but she’s also your base of operations. Visit your various stations like Engineering, the Hangar and the Locker room to upgrade your forces, or relax in leisure spots like the Bar and your Quarters.
There are no good girls in Subverse. Well, not until you train them, anyway. These are the baddest babes in the galaxy complete with exceptional combat potential and drop-dead gorgeous looks. Earn their loyalty and get some other exceptional benefits in the process. Like sex.