This Episode brings a lot of exciting content and story development, a very naughty threesome event and relationship advancement with the girls. The new Episode also brings new music and voice files. We find out more about the mysterious uncle George and get mixed up with Alberta and her people, we also find out the identity of our “Mystery Girl”, that is if you have her side story active. The Episode is filled with goodies for you to sample but keep in mind that some content will or will not be active for you, depending on your relationships and past choices. Replayability is one of the key words for Erotica so some content will be hidden behind past choices, of course, so far you can pretty much do anything with anyone but in the next half of the game things are going to change a little bit.
This Episode was particularly difficult because it features complex scenes with more characters than usual, making it harder to prepare and render, as well as a hot and well done sexual encounter.
Episode 5
This Episode brings a lot of sexual content and some story progression, it’s mainly sexual content with Riley, Heather and Harper. It also brings new voice files, new music tracks, some typo fixes, among other things. Episode 5 is special because it brings relationship advancements and a total of 42 animated sexual scenes, that is more than double that all the previous Episodes combined!
Riley brings a lot of romance to the game and that is transmitted in her erotic scenes, on the other hand, Harper brings a lot of dirty and kinky moments that will blow your mind! Right about now you’re probably wondering what Heather is like, go ahead and see for yourself, I don’t want to ruin the surprise. Just as an early heads-up, Heather’s and Riley’s sexual scenes are mutually exclusive in this Episode, if you’re involved with Riley you won’t be able to access Heather’s scene.