Darker is a story-driven adult visual novel that delves into the intricate world of human emotions, desires, and the pursuit of revenge. With a soft start, the game will gradually introduce darker fetishes while keeping you captivated with its intriguing storyline. In this immersive adventure, where the boundaries of power, pleasure, and corruption are put to the test, you’ll find yourself entangled in a web of desires, secrets, and hidden motives with the blurred lines of morality, leaving an indelible mark on the characters’ lives.
While DARKER has elements loosely associated with NTR, they deviate from the traditional definition. Basically, the husband derives no pleasure whatsoever from sharing his wife, he simply doesn’t care at all. The wife perceives her actions as cheating so it’s Conventional NTR from her perspective(Not implemented yet). However, the husband is aware of all her actions, making it a Netorase (NTR) situation from his perspective. I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. Regardless, the game does have NTR elements.