You’ve always been in love with Mrs. Loveday, the next door MILF. In her youth, she was a lively sorority girl who enjoyed partying and living it up with men. Now, her life seems to have settled down a bit. Are you going to be able to awaken her inner party girl?
Interestingly enough, your mother and sister are also fascinated with the stories of Mrs. Loveday’s wild sorority days, particularly the drunken sex-filled parties she used to attend.
- Date: 15/August/2023
- Name: Mesmerized – An Intoxicated Story
- Version: v0.21.1
- Incest Content: Mother-Son, Brother-Sister
- Important Tags: Drinking, Hypno
- Dev: The Dark Moonshine
- Android: incg
15/August/2023 – Updated to v0.21.1
1/July/2023- Updated to v0.20.1
14/May/2023 – Updated to 0.19.1
14/April/2023 – First Upload, v0.18.1
Is there a drinking fetish ? I’m not sure. This game almost feels like a Liquor ad. Its got so much alcohol + Hypno. Unique, for sure.
VN mode, no grind.
Last Updated on August 15, 2023