Title: Sabu Sukutte ! Majikarurevu Antiachan’Neru !~ Risunau-suu de Tsuyoku Naru Mahou Shoujo~ DLSite
Original Title: サブ救って!マジカルレヴァンティアチャンネル!~リスナー数で強くなる魔法少女~
ID: RJ01077453
Language: Japanese
Developer: シカポン DLSite
Released date: 02/09/2023
Version: 1.0
Uncensored: No
Storage: 1.6 GB
Other Games: Link
Kei had retired from magical girl activities due to her ordinary life.
However, in order to defeat the villain who has become stronger before you know it, you have no choice but to resume your activities as a magical girl.
Kei, who has become popular and strong through live streaming, feels uncomfortable with the villain and begins an investigation to uncover the truth.
A gorgeous volume of more than 47 original CG and differences, standing illustrations by costume!