Title: Hijiri Tenshi no Shiren ~ Sakyubasu o Batorufakku de Taosu Tame, Tenshi-tachi to Sekkusu no Kunren ~ DLSite
Original Title: 聖天使の試練~サキュバスをバトルファックで倒す為、天使達とセックスの訓練~
Language: Japanese
Developer: sigatutei DLSite
Released date: 05/12/2022
Version: Final
Uncensored: No
Other Games: Link
There was a hero in a certain world.
The hero rode into the Demon King Castle and defeated the Demon King.
However, due to this, the evil succubus queen that the Demon King had sealed was resurrected.
The hero is on the spot and squeezed out of her energy without any way to become a succubus queen.
In the midst of desperate need, it was a kind-hearted goddess living in the heavens who rescued the hero.
The hero who survived vows revenge on the queen of succubi.
However, the Queen of Succubus has no sword or magic, and the only way to defeat her opponent is to bring her opponent to her knees by making her.
The hero is led to the heavens by a goddess and trained by various angels to make them.
To save the world and protect the kind-hearted goddess.
The lewd ordeal of the harsh but gentle angels had begun.