Title: 魔法戦士ハルティエルR DLSite
ID: RJ01079729
Language: Japanese
Developer: Koso Koso Room DLSite
Released date: 23/09/2023
Version: Final
Uncensored: No
Storage: 871 MB
Other Games: Link
A group of magical warriors who are able to maximize the power of the magic warriors and defeat the evil organization Exploit Supreme Leader Greleague.
Just when it seemed that the only thing left was to settle with the exploit, Cultics’ subordinate Brain, who had escaped from the evil organization, betrayed him and sent out a video that turned humans into monsters.
Behind the scenes, the [Eight Monsters], which were said to be the existence of eight monster phenomena and traditions in Sky Frost City, also began their activities.
Magical warriors who want to protect people Cultics that can use and follow people Exploits that exploit energy from people The three factions with their interests aligned form a temporary alliance and begin to work to defeat the threat Brain and Hakkai in Sky Frost City.
– Japanese –
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