Title: 監獄のステラ DLSite
ID: RJ01060279
Language: Japanese
Developer: ふぅ車小屋 DLSite
Released date: 16/07/2023
Version: Final
Uncensored: No
Storage: 452 MB
Other Games: Link
It has been a hundred years since the wall between humans and demons began to crumble.
Stella, a young girl who is a descendant of the vampire’s true ancestor, is suddenly kidnapped by someone and wakes up imprisoned.
Stella has lost her memories of the last minute and does not know why she is there, but she succeeds in getting out of the cage due to the power of a demon who claims to be “Stella’s familiar” that appeared outside the prison.
In order to escape from the mysterious prison that has many layers, Stella rushes towards the exit with her familiars.